Strokestown and Roosky fishing well

Mick Searle from Bradford near Leeds spent a week with Kevin and Jane at Melview Lodge in Longford. Mick said that some days were too hot and bright which had an effect during the day. The early mornings saw some good catches of Tench, Hybrids and a few Bream throughout the week.
The weather conditions were good most days with the exception of a few which proved too bright and hot for fishing. Best advice in these conditions is to pre-bait the evening before and fish at first light.
Strokestown and Roosky areas fished really, and most still are. Results over recent weeks have seen anglers bagging weights in the range of 75lbs to well over the 100lbs, mostly made up of Bream and Tench. However due to the lack of anglers in some areas, some venuues are not seeing the normal amount of bait go in hence the reason for pre-baiting a few times before you fish.